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更新:2022年10月04日 17:54 大學(xué)路



答案一般是有出入的,出入大概會(huì)差個(gè)5-6分,基本上還是很準(zhǔn)確的。因?yàn)楹芏嗝襟w都是想在第一時(shí)間公布答案 增加點(diǎn)擊率,所以沒(méi)有請(qǐng)全方位的高手,只是做了一個(gè)八九不離十??尚牛?!祝好!


《2020考研英語(yǔ)一真題及答案解析》百度網(wǎng)盤(pán)pdf最新全集下載:鏈接:/s/1u4K-idRsW4rJKHxYaRX6Hg2020考研英語(yǔ)一真題及答案解析完整版pdf免費(fèi)版高清無(wú)水印版來(lái)自:百度網(wǎng)盤(pán)提取碼: hhsc復(fù)制提取碼跳轉(zhuǎn)?pwd=hhsc 提取碼:hhsc簡(jiǎn)介:2020年官方全國(guó)碩士研究生入學(xué)統(tǒng)一考試英語(yǔ)(一)試題及答案解析pdf文件免費(fèi)附上,需要考研的同學(xué)可以參考一下


都不是,依據(jù)經(jīng)驗(yàn)看,新東方和丁的 準(zhǔn)確率高點(diǎn)兒?都那么回事!都糾結(jié)一個(gè)月了,整個(gè)答案還神秘的要死!唉···

官方答案雖然沒(méi)有公布,但是據(jù)南京閱卷組丁曉 鐘老師所說(shuō),除了25題選以外其余和他的答案是一樣的


2019年考研英語(yǔ)真題答案Section I: Use of English (10 points)1. [A] 2. [B] 3. [D] 4. [A] 5. [D]6. [C] 7. [B] 8. [C] 9. [A] 10. [A]11. [C] 12. [B] 13. [D] 14. [C] 15. [C]16. [A] 17. [B] 18. [C] 19. [A] 20. [D]Section II: Reading Comprehension (60 points)Part A (40 points)21. [C] 22. [A] 23. [C] 24. [D] 25. [B]26. [A] 27. [B] 28. [C] 29. [D] 30. [D]31. [C] 32. [A] 33. [C] 34. [D] 35. [B]36. [D] 37. [B] 38. [D] 39. [B] 40. [A]Part B (10 points)41. [C] 42. [A] 43. [B] 44. [F] 45. [D]Part C (10 points)46.我將他定義為一個(gè)對(duì)道德問(wèn)題進(jìn)行蘇格拉底式思考并將此作為自己人生首要責(zé)任和快樂(lè)的人。47.他的職責(zé)與法官相似,必須承擔(dān)這樣的責(zé)任:用盡可能明了的方式來(lái)展示自己做出決定的推理過(guò)程。48.我之所以把他(普通科學(xué)家)排除在外,是因?yàn)楸M管他的成果可能會(huì)有助于解決道德問(wèn)題,但他承擔(dān)的任務(wù)只不過(guò)是研究這些問(wèn)題的事實(shí)方面。49.但是,他的首要任務(wù)并不是考慮支配自己行為的道德規(guī)范,就如同不能指望商人專注于探索行業(yè)規(guī)范一樣。50.他們可以教得很好,而且不僅僅是為了掙薪水,但他們大多數(shù)人卻很少或沒(méi)有對(duì)需要進(jìn)行道德判斷的、人的問(wèn)題進(jìn)行獨(dú)立思考。Section III: Writing (30 points)Part A (10 points)51. 參考范文Dear Sir or Madam,As a college student who is studying and living in a good environment, I wish to contriute to Project Hope y offering financial assistance to a child in a rote area. Having conceived such a plan for a long time, I write this letter to request your help to recommend a proper candidate.I wonder if it is convenient for you if three things concerning the child are taken into consideration. First, the child should come from Gansu Province, for I intend to help a child from my hometown. Second, it will e etter if the child is a primary school student. I hope I will help him/her from the very eginning. In addition, he/she must e willing to return to his hometown to help uilt it after graduation from university.My plan will e carried out as follows. On one hand, I will rit at least 2,000 Yuan in cash every year until he/she finishes his/her education efore entering college. On the other hand, I decide to teach the child math and English in person during my summer vacation, which will surely e more eneficial to the child.Your prompt help would e highly appreciated. And I am looking forward to your reply very soon.Yours sincerely,Li MingPart B (20 points)52. 參考范文How ironic the two pictures are in descriing one of the most widespread social phenomena concerning idol adoration! In the first picture, a young man writes the name of Beckham on his face. In the second picture, another young man spends 300 Yuan in dealing with his hair to make himself look like Beckham.The meaning conveyed in the two pictures reveals that in current China some young people are losing thselves. I am greatly shocked y the enthusia* for this British footall superstar shown y these two young men. Frankly speaking, things of this kind really happen among us. Some people, especially college students, do nothing ut concentrate on imitating superstars. This does great harm to their study and growth. If we cant stop the worsening of this tendency, our own culture will e damaged, and we ourselves will e the ultimate victims.From my point of view, a lot of measures should e taken to save our losing culture and re-find ourselves. In fact, some measures have already een taken. In my university, campaigns have een launched to educate people to pay more attention to our traditional culture and read more ooks instead of focusing on our appearances. As a result, we have witnessed some improvents ut still there is a long way to go.


1、e familiar with2、prevent us arriving;make us not arrive3、What is the ox used to? 4、As ;good at

1. get familiar with2. stopped us getting, stopped us from getting3. What is the ox used for/ What is the ox used to do/ What is the use of the ox4. Like......good at


【紅寶書(shū)】 考研英語(yǔ)(最后沖刺3套題)這本書(shū) 很不錯(cuò)的考前模擬沖刺題,此模擬題少而精,非常適合考前模擬沖刺。

很不錯(cuò)的一套題【紅寶書(shū)】 考研英語(yǔ)考前預(yù)測(cè)(最后沖刺3套題) 很不錯(cuò)的一套題,我想說(shuō)的是其實(shí)基礎(chǔ)到位了這些題才能夠體現(xiàn)出它應(yīng)有的價(jià)值,最大的遺憾就是沒(méi)有認(rèn)真的對(duì)待。希望能夠弄得 ,此模擬題少而精,非常適合考前模擬沖刺。 建議考前打擊一下自己也好,模擬一下也好,檢驗(yàn)一下也好,認(rèn)認(rèn)真真的給足3個(gè)小時(shí)一套的模擬時(shí)間。

做模擬題應(yīng)注意以下要點(diǎn): 1、模擬題不要把注意力放在答案的對(duì)錯(cuò)與否,因?yàn)槟遣荒芡耆砟愕恼鎸?shí)水平。2、把模擬題當(dāng)作是保持做題的手感,增加辨認(rèn)識(shí)別單詞和長(zhǎng)難句解析能力,然后把自己的解題思路和方法不斷完善。按照這個(gè)要求,其實(shí)模擬題最可以利用的是原文,而不是后面的問(wèn)題等。臨近考研,模擬題不要做太多,對(duì)于一般水平的同學(xué)來(lái)說(shuō),一周做一套就足夠了,一個(gè)月做四套也就可以了。如果水平稍微好一些的同學(xué),一周最多做兩到三套,就可以了?!究佳杏⒄Z(yǔ)3+1特種試卷】這本書(shū)就是很不錯(cuò)的一套題,我想說(shuō)的是其實(shí)基礎(chǔ)到位了這些題才能夠體現(xiàn)出它應(yīng)有的價(jià)值,最大的遺憾就是沒(méi)有認(rèn)真的對(duì)待。希望能夠弄得更好,此模擬題少而精,非常適合考前模擬沖刺??佳杏⒄Z(yǔ)模擬題《考研英語(yǔ)3+1特種試卷》第一本 系統(tǒng)精煉與臨考密押的特種試卷3套精選試題:系統(tǒng)涵蓋 考點(diǎn)1套密押試題: 直擊最新命題信息(密押試題考前十天網(wǎng)上下載)考研英語(yǔ)3+1特種試卷,第一本兼顧系統(tǒng)精練與臨考密押的模擬題。其中,3套精練試卷系統(tǒng)涵蓋所有考點(diǎn),1套密押試題直擊最新命題信息。


閱讀答案:1--5: cda6--10:daac11--15:dcca16--20:cdad英語(yǔ)一完形的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:1. [C]despite2. [D]produce3. [B]oosting4. [B]sustain5.[A]measurale6. [B]In fact7.[A]opposite8. [D]relaxes9. [C]moderate10.[A]physical11. [B]According to12. [C]in13. [D]ecause14. [C]precedes15. [B]from16.[D]hold17.[A]disappointed18. [D]reacted19.[A]suggesting20. [C]Similarly英語(yǔ)一新題型答案:G-B-D-E-A-C-F出處Professionalising the professorThe difficulties of an American doctoral studentUniversity education in AmericaFe 25th 2019英語(yǔ)一翻譯的答案:1、愛(ài)倫的貢獻(xiàn)在于為我們提供了一個(gè)能分析和揭示錯(cuò)誤性質(zhì)的假設(shè),這個(gè)假設(shè)就是:我們不是機(jī)器人,所以我們能控制我們的思想。2、盡管僅憑借意識(shí)我們就能保持著控制的感覺(jué),但實(shí)際上我們一直面臨著一個(gè)問(wèn)題,那就是為 不能完成這件事情或那件事情。3、這似乎能為必要時(shí)的忽視找到合理的解釋,同時(shí)也能合理解釋剝削,上層人士的優(yōu)越感和底層人們的自卑感。4、環(huán)境似乎是為了選出強(qiáng)者,只要我們感覺(jué)受了委屈,那么我們就不可能有意識(shí)地努力逃離我們的舊處境。5、好的一面在于我們處在這樣的一個(gè)位置,在這里我們知道所有事情都取決于自己;以前我們面對(duì)的是一 限制,而現(xiàn)在我們成了權(quán)威


B.1-- How do you find that Beatles CD?----- Wonderful. Its well worth _____.A. to listen to B. listening to C. to e listened to D. eing listened to C.2. Although the teacher didnt mention any names, everyone knew who he was_____.A. speaking to B. turning to C. referring to D. talking toB.3. The eautiful scenery around the lake_____ him to write this famous po.A. encouraged B. inspired C. urged D. admiredB.4. He_____ to act out the story he had read, ut he failed. A. deserved B. tried C. managed D. pretendedB.5. On hearing the _____ voice, the little girl ecame_____.A. terrifying; terrifying B. terrifying; terrified C. terrified; terrified D. terrified; terrifyingB.6. The plane_____, killing all 200 people aoard.A. survived B. crashed C. missed D. alancedA.7. There is no chance ______ Ill recover from my illness for the exam.A. that C. which C. what D. if

考研英語(yǔ)一是花卷嗎我看了斜對(duì)面同學(xué)的答案是不是會(huì)全錯(cuò) 搜

考研英語(yǔ)一從來(lái)就沒(méi)有出過(guò)梅花卷,除了新題型每年不同之外,其他題型是固定不變的;再說(shuō)考研英語(yǔ)一般時(shí)間比較緊張,根本沒(méi)有功夫?qū)Υ鸢???佳杏⒄Z(yǔ)分為英語(yǔ)一和英語(yǔ)二,這二個(gè)英語(yǔ)考試總共時(shí)長(zhǎng)均為180分鐘??佳杏⒄Z(yǔ)一、英語(yǔ)二難度比六級(jí)難一些,一般考個(gè)四十、五十分是正常的,考高分?jǐn)?shù)的話,就有些困難;而英語(yǔ)六級(jí)屬于會(huì)考水平,需要考慮通過(guò)率;也就是說(shuō),考試成績(jī)需要正態(tài)分配才合理。1、考研英語(yǔ)一題型及分值完型填空 10閱讀 40翻譯 10新題型 10【每年題型不同】二篇作文 30【其中小作文10分,大作文20分】2、考研英語(yǔ)二題型及分值完型填空 10閱讀 40翻譯 15新題型 10【每年不同】二篇作文 25【其中小作文10分,大作文15分】3、英語(yǔ)一和英語(yǔ)二區(qū)別考研英語(yǔ)二的翻譯是15分,與英語(yǔ)一的翻譯明顯不同,主要是對(duì)整個(gè)文段或者五個(gè)句子進(jìn)行翻譯;而英語(yǔ)一是在一篇文章里挑選五個(gè)句子,根據(jù)語(yǔ)境翻譯??佳杏⒄Z(yǔ)二寫(xiě)作比較固定:小作文為應(yīng)用文,大作文根據(jù)所規(guī)定的情景或給出的提綱,寫(xiě)出一篇150詞左右的英語(yǔ)說(shuō)明文或議論文,提供情景的形式為圖畫(huà)、圖表或文字。而英語(yǔ)一則沒(méi)有固定模式。4、考研英語(yǔ)時(shí)間分配參考1)、作文用50分鐘(有兩篇,先小作文,再大作文);2)、閱讀理解用20分鐘*4篇;3)、新題型20分鐘;4)、翻譯20分鐘;5)、完型20分鐘。




貼條形碼的都是一題多卷,所謂一題多卷就是試卷的題目都是那一套,但是不同試卷的題目 打亂了,你的閱讀理解1到卷2上就是閱讀理解到卷3上就是閱讀理解到卷4上就是閱讀理解一般一題多卷可以把順序打亂到六套甚至更多的套數(shù),以前a卷都能保證前后左右試卷不一樣,但是斜著的是一樣的,一題多卷因?yàn)樘讛?shù)增加,所以可以確保前后左右斜前斜后斜左斜右的試卷全都不一樣






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